OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
Your Optometrist
Our Optometrist Emma Lynch qualified as an Optometrist in 2003 and joined our team here at Silverberg's in October 2021. She offers a wealth of experience and will help you feel relaxed in her friendly and professional manner.
With all the latest technology available she will examine your eyes thoroughly at every visit. She's passionate about delivering a personal service and is always happy to offer advice that you may need away from the store as well.
Emma likes to keep fit and attends regular gym classes. She also loves listening to music and attends gigs/music festivals when she can. She adores her three nieces and loves spending time with them along with the rest of the family.

The health of your eyes matters, which is why we are offering OCT imaging to all of our patients. OCT is an advanced 3D eye scan for people of all ages. It is completely safe and painless, and simply uses a special light to capture simultaneous photographs and scans of the back of your eyes.
The results are instant and enable us to see what's going on beneath the surface of your eyes. Our Optometrist will use these detailed images to identify potentially serious conditions that can affect your eyesight and sometimes even your overall health.
Silverberg Opticians uses Zeiss state of the art digital retinal-screening device, known as a fundus camera, to make sure that your eyesight is protected, now and in the future. And unlike other opticians, Silverberg makes retinal photography part of every private eye examination.
Common conditions identified through regular OCT screening:
Glaucoma patients
Glaucoma causes no visual symptoms that indicate a patient’s sight is at risk. As the disease progresses, a person with glaucoma may notice that their vision is gradually failing. Using images of the retina, we can detect glaucoma at an early stage and can react before permanent damage occurs.
Diabetic patients
People with diabetes can develop a condition known as ‘diabetic retinopathy’.This is when the diabetes causes changes in blood cells that feed the retina.Because these changes occur gradually, they can lead to severe vision loss or even blindness, if not detected and treated early. That’s why Silverberg recommend that diabetic patients have a full eye health check at least once a year. We use the photographs to carefully track any changes to the retina.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients
AMD is the leading cause of blindness in people over 50. This condition destroys highly sensitive tissue in the area of your eye responsible for central vision the macula. There are two types: dry AMD and wet AMD. Most people have dry AMD, which usually doesn’t lead to any major loss of central vision. But 15-20% of patients with dry AMD progress to the wet form. Wet AMD can lead to severe, permanent loss of central vision. Only regular monitoring enables us to determine in good time whether your AMD is progressing to the more serious wet form.
Vitreous Detachments
Vitreous detachment, occurs when the vitreous gel, which fills the inside of the eye, begins to shrink and separate from the retina. This process is a natural part of ageing and commonly happens in people over the age of 50. While it is usually harmless, it can sometimes lead to more serious eye conditions, such as retinal tears or detachment.
Macula Holes
A macula hole is a small break in the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. This condition typically affects people over the age of 60 and can lead to blurred or distorted central vision.
Patients with other retinal diseases and disorders
Regular screening will help your optician recommend the best course of treatment and follow the progress of your disorder.
Adults and children with healthy eyes
Screening offers the best potential to detect even the smallest changes in your eye. A digital image of a healthy eye in your patient record is the best foundation for diagnosing abnormalities at a later date.
There is an additional charge for your OCT scans (currently £20) and the benefits are obvious, with the scans giving our optometrist more information than ever before on the health of your eyes. What's more is that we can compare any future scans to your previous ones for a comparative diagnosis.
This means we can detect even the most subtle changes to your retina with every eye test you have, helping to prevent potential sight-loss. So what are you waiting for? The sooner we can document your baseline the better.
The equipment we use
Silverberg Opticians is the only independent optician in Liverpool city centre that can call itself a Zeiss Premier Partner. And as a Zeiss Vision Centre, you can rest assured that we are offering you the very best in retinal photography. If you would like to find out more about the state of the art retinal photography equipment used at Silverberg’s please see the Zeiss website.
Book your eye test online today or call us on 0151 709 2012